Brass represents elegance, it has the particularity of deforming easily without breaking. It is composed of copper and zinc and has existed since antiquity. Nowadays it can happen that lead, tin, nickel, chrome or even magnesium are added, in very small quantities. It is also our most expensive material.
There are 3 surface treatments for Brass::

This technique consists of uniformly projecting microbeads onto the surface of the material that we are going to treat in order to strip it without altering it. This is a mechanical technique.

Single & double brushing
Single brushing: Consists of applying a brush in one direction only in order to give the desired appearance to the surface concerned. Visually, the material will show stripes only in one direction. The visual aspect and feel will also depend on the brush chosen to perform this action.
Double brushing: Consists of applying a brush horizontally and vertically, this technique requires great know-how, the aim being to offer a finer and more uniform visual than that obtained with simple brushing. As in simple brushing, the visual aspect and feel will depend on the brushes chosen.

Polishing by abrasion consists of using discs of different materials that will rotate at high speed to which we will add or not polishing paste, in order to obtain a perfectly flat surface. We can obtain the same result by creating movements between 2 parts by adding additives this technique is called tribofinishing. It is a mechanical process.
Polishing by work hardening consists of using a tool called a burnisher which will be equipped with balls or needles, this polishing will be done by vibration.
After choosing between microblasting, brushing or polishing, we will be able to offer you several finishes that we will list below. Please note that the surface treatment you choose will have an impact on the choice of your finish.
Copper plated brass
This finish will be available with micro-blasting, brushing and polishing surface treatments. This finish consists of adding a layer of copper to the brass, the visual rendering will depend on the mechanical surface treatment you have chosen.
Chrome plated brass
This finish will be available with microblasting, brushing and polishing surface treatments. We will deposit a layer of chrome on the part concerned, the visual rendering will depend on the mechanical surface treatment you have chosen.
Copper plated brass
This finish will be available with microblasting, brushing and polishing surface treatments. This finish consists of adding a layer of bronze to the brass, the visual rendering will depend on the mechanical surface treatment you have chosen.
Brass gun barrel
This finish will be available with micro-blasting, brushing and polishing surface treatments. This process will blacken the brass, the visual rendering will be matte and will avoid the reverberation of light on the treated surface.
Aged brass
This finish will be available with the brushing surface treatments, the other two treatments are not available for this finish. We will first proceed to single or double brushing of the part and then we will blacken it. Once this is done we will patina the part in order to give it an older appearance and then we will finish by varnishing the part in order to prevent it from oxidizing.
Varnished brass
This finish will be available with micro-blasting, brushing and polishing surface treatments. We will varnish the brass to protect it, the visual rendering will depend on the mechanical surface treatment you have chosen.
Nickel brass
This finish will be available with micro-blasting, brushing and polishing surface treatments. This finish can be done by electrolysis or by chemical process in both cases and before proceeding with nickel plating, the part must be degreased and stripped. The visual rendering will depend on the mechanical surface treatment you have chosen, knowing that this will allow your part to increase its resistance to corrosion and improve its appearance.